We're proud to offer access to JDirectItems Auction., Japan's largest and most popular auction service. Over 30,000,000 auctions take place on JDirectItems Auction every day, and among them are overseas bidders who win items valued at over $100 on bids of less than $1!
Animés, illustrations, cartes à collectionner, CDs, DVDs, antiquités, mode, accessoires, articles ménagers, billets, artistes et produits dérivés, livres et mangas... N'importe quel article japonais ou presque que vous cherchez peut être trouvé ici !
However, figuring out JDirectItems Auction from overseas can be difficult, and a Japanese bank account is also required. That's where we come in! We act on your behalf to place bids exactly as you direct us, and deliver your items safely and securely straight to your door. Now you can enjoy JDirectItems Auction just as if you lived in Japan!
Enchère par procuration, parfois appelé enchère automatique, est une méthode pour placer des offres sur des enchères "en personne" ou en ligne.
The way it works is the person who wants to bid on an item decides the maximum amount that he/she is willing to pay for it in advance, and tells this amount to the auction holder.
Comme d'autres offres sont faites, le porteur d'offre augmente automatiquement l'offre de la personne par des augmentations pré-définies jusqu'à ce que le maximum choisi soit atteint.
If the bidder is monitoring the auction, at this point he or she can give up or choose to increase his/her bid.
The reason people do this is so that they don't have to continually monitor an auction to win an item, and so they can easily bid on several items at once more.
The wrap-up of an auction can also be a hassle, with many e-mails exchanged with the seller, but we take care of that as well!
There are a few special rules to explain. For example, while the highest bidder within the auction time is usually the winner, in the case that a bid is placed within the last 10 minutes of an auction, the time is extended by ten minutes.
Like most Japanese auctions, JDirectItems Auction! uses a unique system to keep expenses low. For example, if persion "A" at 1,500 JPY is outbid by persion "B" at 2,000 JPY, person "B" will only pay for person "A"'s bid +100 JPY , or 1,600 JPY.
La répartition est la suivante:
Offre gagnante = 1 JPY - 1,000 JPY | Offre d'origine +10 JPY |
1,000 JPY - 5,000 JPY | +100 JPY |
5,000 JPY - 10,000 JPY | +250 JPY |
10,000 JPY - 50,000 JPY | +500 JPY |
50,000 and above | +1,000 JPY |
De plus, si vous achetez plus d'un article au même vendeur en 24h, il est habituellement possible de demander un envoi combiné de ces articles à nos bureaux. Cependant, faites attention au fait que certains vendeurs n'acceptent pas cela. L'information devrait apparaître sur la page de l'enchère, ou vous pouvez nous contacter pour vérifier.
Certaines enchères ont un prix d'Achat Direct. Si vous payez ce prix d'Achat Direct, vous gagnez immédiatement et l'enchère est finie.
Si vous ne savez pas comment chercher, veuillez vérifier les instructions Ici.