• About Our Service
  • Auction Process
  • Our Commission
  • JDirectItems Auction's Rules
  • Shipping Costs

Auction Process! How our service works.

Find Items Place Bids Payment of Domestic Shipping (From Seller to Us) Shipping Arrival

Find Items

Find Items

First, find the item(s) you want. There are three convenient ways to search.

By Category

Search from any of JDirectItems Auction's preexisting categories.

By Keyword

By Japanese keyword. If you don't know your keyword in Japanese, just let us know through the Contact Us page! We'll be sure to help you out.

Through JDirectItems Auction.

Through JDirectItems Auction's original site here.

Again, if you have any questions, we offer free support for every step of the process. Just ask us!

Place Bids

Place Bids

Once you've found what you want, you're ready to place your bid. Please consult JDirectItems Auction's rules to make sure the item is legal to ship.

Also, you can make a Deposit. Place a certain amount of money into your account, and we will make bids for you up to a maximum of that amount. Frequent customers may wish to make larger deposits. Deposits can be left indefinitely to cover future item and shipping costs, but unused portions can be refunded.

You may also receive Points in your account through a promotion or coupon. These can be used toward bids.

There are two ways of making bids:

Real Time Bids

When we receive your order, we will begin to place bids on your item.

Sniper Bids

We will begin to place bids between 5 and 15 minutes before the auction closes, dramatically reducing costs.


Once you have securely won your bid, you will receive a Bill. Please make your payment within 3 business days. Unfortunately, payment extensions are not possible. This payment includes everything except international shipping, as shown below:

Item Price + Insurance + Handling fee + Domestic Shipping (from seller to us)

The Bill can be paid for by PayPal, Credit Card, and of course in Points.

Please note that the Bill may be late to arrive if the seller is late in contacting us, or around New Years' and the O-Bon festival.


When the product arrives at our offices, we perform a simple inspection to make sure the order is the correct item, in the right quantity, in the condition described by the seller&etc. We do not perform the following:

Opening packages
Turning on electric appliances
Assembling items
Checking tags or labels
Checking for attachments
Checking for minor differences between the item and the seller image

If any problems are discovered, we will contact both you and the seller and work to resolve them.

Payment of Domestic Shipping

Payment of Domestic Shipping

Our Combined Shipping service allows you to ship all items ordered in one box, greatly reducing shipping costs. You can specify which items are shipped together. All items purchased within a 30-day period can be shipped together.

Once you have decided which items you want us to ship, please submit a Shipping Request. We will give you an International Shipping Cost estimate based on the item size, quantity and your indicated shipping method.

The International Shipping Cost can be paid by PayPal, Credit Card, and of course in Points.

Once we have confirmed the payment, we will ship your order right away!



When we ship your order, we will provide you with an order tracking number and a website (Japan Post) where you can use the number to track your order every step of the way.



When the item arrives, please pay any taxes or duties to the relevant office. Depending on local regulations, you may have to make a cash payment on delivery, or a consumption tax may apply.

Find the items you would like to buy

If you don't know how to search, please check the instructions here.